The zero article


What is it?

When we don't use a/an or the before a noun, this is referred to as the zero article. In these examples we've used the character Ø to represent the Zero Article.

When do we use it?

(or when don't we use a/an or the)

  • when the noun is preceeded by another determiner - such as his or this.
    • this key won't fit in the lock.
    • my mother is coming to visit next week
    • some Ø cats like cheese

    look for examples using that, these, those, your, her, some, any, most, many and its on the Hong Kong VLC concordancer.

  • uncountable nouns. We don't use an article with uncountable nouns:-
    • you need Ø cheese and Ø milk to make a souffle.
  • noun groups. We don't use an article with the second item in related noun groups:-
    • help yourself to a knife and Ø fork.

  • all-inclusive groups that include 'everything'. Often nouns in this group refer to people:-
    • Ø vegetarians don't eat meat.
    • Ø people in Canada watch TV a lot (but the people who built this house...)

  • we can use a plural noun or an uncountable noun without an article with verbs such as 'like' or 'enjoy' when we are talking in a general sense about this class of thing :-
    • She likes Ø parties.
    • I'm very fond of Ø curry
    • We're both interested in Ø history.
    • He enjoys Ø traveling.
    • Ø Elephants never forget.

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